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Our wood-fired ovens for bakeries.

This type of bread oven is traditionally distinguished by the presence of a heavy cast iron part, the throat. This angled removable part is installed and oriented over an opening between the fire box and the baking room.
Once the desired temperature has been reached, the baker removes the throat and covers the opening with a cast-iron disc or a bowl of water.

The advantages of throat ovens: comfort and productivity.

In a throat oven, the flame passes through the cooking chamber. It is therefore a direct-heating oven and qualifies as wood-fired bread.

With this throat system, the wood-burning and bread-baking zones are distinct. Concretely, this avoids the need for the baker to remove the embers and brush the floor after each batch.

In addition, he can easily restart a fire by conserving the embers and ashes in the fire box.

Thanks to the high inertia of our bread ovens, it is possible to bake several batches in succession without having to reheat, thus maximising both productivity and wood consumption.

As France’s leading manufacturer and exporter of wood ovens, Four Grand-Mère presents 3 types of static floor ovens:

Throat ovens with lower fire box

Throat ovens with lower fire box for conveyor belt loading

Throat ovens with side fire box

All our ovens of this type are made in our workshops with a 6 cm thick brick paver floor and an 8 cm thick vault, in chamotte or brick, according to your preference

four grand mere visuels Boulangerie four à gueulard latéral

Our different models

Four Grand-Mère, France's leading manufacturer and exporter of wood-fired ovens, offers you 3 types of static floor ovens.

All are made in our workshops with a 6 cm thick brick base and an 8 cm thick vault, in chamotte or brick, as required.

Firebox under the baking chamber

The main advantage of lower throat ovens is that they require less space in the  bakehouse, because the fire box is located under the oven floor. As needed, the baker orients the throat to direct the flame to the different zones of  the baking chamber.

Surface area of sole (m²) 1,53 2,52 3,25 5,46 4,72 7,30
External dimensions D x W x H (m) 1,77 x 1,77 x 2,12 2,59 x 1,77 x 2,12 2,43 x 2,47 x 2,17 3,06 x 3,16 x 2,17 3,13 x 2,47 x 2,17 3,73 x 3,16 x 2,31
Baguettes per batch 21 35 45 76 66 102
Number of 500 g loaves per batch 14 22 29 49 42 65
See the product See the product See the product See the product See the product See the product

Throat ovens with lower fire box for conveyor belt loading

The lower fire box principle is also very interesting for conveyor belt loading, because the heat is well distributed.

Whether square or rectangular in shape, ovens in this category are especially well  designed for conveyor belt loading, even though peel loading is also possible.

Always tailor-made, the oven conveyor belt is not manufactured by Four Grand Mère. However, on request, we can provide it and install it at the same time as your  oven.

Surface area of sole (m²) 3,54 4,74 5,20 6,60 8,50 10,90
External dimensions D x W x H (m) 3,50 x 1,77 x 2,12 2,95 x 2,26 x 2,20 2,95 x 2,48 x 2,20 2,95 x 2,95 x 2,31 3,65 x 2,96 x 2,31 3,66 x 3,66 x 2,31
Baguettes per batch 50 66 74 92 119 153
Number of 500 g loaves per batch 32 43 47 59 76 98
See the product See the product See the product See the product See the product See the product

Throat ovens with side fire box

Four Grand-mère’s side throat ovens represent a modern evolution of the traditional throat ovens, which avoid having to handle the cast-iron throat.The fire box is located at the level of the baking chamber, to the right or left of the loading door, as preferred. If you have a sufficiently large bakehouse, this type of oven has a lot of advantages:

• Thanks to a handle located on the front of the oven, you can easily control the flap valve, without having to use a handle bar.
• The fire box at human height facilitates the supply.
• The baker does not receive the heat from the fire box in the legs when putting the product in or taking it out of the oven.
• The side fire box offers a great flexibility of use
Surface area of sole (m²) 1,53 2,52 3,25 5,46 4,72
External dimensions D x W x H (m) 1,82 x 2,25 x 2,21 2,52 x 2,24 x 2,21 2,43 x 2,58 x 2,21 3,03 x 3,16x 2,17 3,13 x 2,78 x 2,29
Baguettes per batch 21 35 45 76 66
Number of 500 g loaves per batch 14 22 29 49 42
See the product See the product See the product See the product See the product
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Supplies and equipment included


Embellished with beautiful ears of wheat, this cast-iron door features an automatic closing system, so that the baker can open and close it with his peel. You can also use a handle with a counterweight to manipulate it in a more traditional, effortless way.

We reworked the original model in our workshops to integrate a glass section and a lamp in order to illuminate the baking chamber.

The brick roof option can substitute the chamotte roof with a refractory brick roof. This change brings the unique advantages of refractory brick, such as better heat retention and distribution, as well as optimal thermal radiation.

The brick roof thus ensures more homogeneous baking and better-quality bread.

Four Grand-Mère offers a custom-made stainless steel facing for its bakery ovens. This facing improves the appearance and hygiene of your oven by providing a design to suit your specific requirements. Made of stainless-steel sheets, it is long-lasting, resistant and easy to clean.
It also offers a professional finish, and adds a modern, elegant touch to your oven.